IVF programs in the international reproductive center NGC Almaty

IVF programs in the international reproductive center NGC Almaty

The dream of having a child sometimes faces medical obstacles, but modern fertility treatment technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) open up new possibilities. NGC International Reproduction Center in Almaty provides advanced IVF programs tailored to the needs of each couple.

Standard Protocol IVF

A standard IVF protocol begins with an ovarian stimulation phase, during which hormonal drugs are used to induce the growth of multiple follicles. This allows for multiple eggs to be fertilized, increasing the chances of successful implantation and pregnancy. This is followed by an ultrasound-guided ovarian puncture procedure to retrieve mature eggs. The collected eggs are fertilized with the partner’s or donor’s sperm in a laboratory setting. After several days of culture, the best quality embryos are transferred to the uterine cavity, where they can implant and lead to pregnancy.

Advantages of the Standard IVF Protocol

·        By using multiple eggs, the standard IVF protocol increases the chances of successful implantation and pregnancy.

·        This protocol is the most studied and widely used, which allows specialists to accumulate significant experience and increase the success of the procedure.

·        The ability to adapt the protocol to the specific medical and individual characteristics of the patient.

Natural Cycle IVF

Natural Cycle IVF is an approach to in vitro fertilization that includes careful monitoring of a woman’s natural menstrual cycle. The main goal of this method is to extract a single naturally matured egg without the use of hormonal stimulation or with minimal use of hormonal stimulation. Natural Cycle IVF is suitable for patients with a regular menstrual cycle, who have a good reserve of eggs and no serious fertility problems. It can also be recommended for women who have not tolerated hormonal stimulation well in the past.


·        Lower risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

·        The absence of intense stimulation makes the process gentler and less stressful for the body.

IVF with low AMH

Antimullerian hormone (AMH) is an indicator of ovarian reserve. Low AMH levels do not exclude pregnancy, but require a special approach. NGC uses individual stimulation protocols to maximize the chances of successful conception.

Program Features

·        Careful selection and dosage of stimulating drugs.

·        Regular monitoring of ovarian response.

·        Individualized treatment plans.

IVF with minimal stimulation

This program involves the use of lower doses of hormones than traditional IVF, which reduces risks and side effects. The approach is recommended for women who do not tolerate standard hormonal stimulation well or have certain medical contraindications.


·        Reduced risk of complications.

·        Comfort and less stress on the body.

IVF without stimulation

IVF without stimulation is a completely natural approach in which mature eggs are retrieved without medical intervention. This option is suitable for women who, for various reasons, cannot use hormonal drugs.


·        No hormonal stimulation.

At the NGC International Reproduction Center in Almaty, each IVF program is developed taking into account individual indications and needs of patients. The professionalism of the team of specialists and advanced technologies give hope for successful parenthood even in the most difficult cases. Contact NGC for IVF in Almaty. Happiness is one step away from you!

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