Price (current as of 04/08/2024)

No. Program name and stages
(mark the appropriate boxes with a “V”)
Total amount
for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Total amount*
for citizens of neighboring countries (CIS)
Total amount**
for citizens of foreign countries
1 IVF in a natural cycle or with minimal stimulation, without the cost of drugs for ovarian stimulation (1-3 follicles) 570,000 690,000 1,050,000
  Stage 1: Maintenance of the IVF program, including ovarian stimulation, ultrasound monitoring 35,000 50,000 150,000
  Stage 2: Transvaginal puncture 150,000 170,000 260,000
  Stage 3: Fertilization using the ICSI method 135,000 190,000 250,000
  Stage 4: Cultivation and time-lapse embryoscopy in EMBRYOSCOPE PLUS using artificial intelligence 200,000 220,000 300,000
  Stage 5: Transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity 50,000 60,000 90,000
2 IVF in a stimulated cycle, without the cost of drugs for ovarian stimulation 850,000 1,000,000 1,600,000
  Stage 1: Maintenance of the IVF program, including ovarian stimulation, ultrasound monitoring 100,000 150,000 200,000
  Stage 2: Transvaginal puncture 240,000 260,000 380,000
  Stage 3: Fertilization using the ICSI method 210,000 230,000 370,000
  Stage 4: Cultivation and time-lapse embryoscopy in EMBRYOSCOPE PLUS using artificial intelligence 250,000 300,000 550,000
  Stage 5: Transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity 50,000 60,000 100,000
3 Anesthetic care (intravenous anesthesia) and consultation with an anesthesiologist 46,000 50,000 90,000
4 Cryopreservation (Freezing) of an oocyte or embryo, with their cumulative collection (up to 3 oocytes) (including 2 months of storage) 80,000 100,000 140,000
Additionally: in the absence of oocytes during TVP in all programs, 50% refund
6 Cryopreservation (Freezing) of embryos (up to 7), including 2 months of storage
Freezing more than 7 embs - for each embryo



7 Cryopreservation (Freezing) of oocytes, including 2 months of storage (up to 10 oocytes)
More than 10 oocytes



8 Storage of frozen biomaterial for 1 month (oocytes/embryos/sperm) 5,000 5,000 10,000
9 Embryo research using NGS or SNP method (1 embryo) 130,000 130,000 200,000
10 Preimplantation genetic testing, including embryo trophectoderm biopsy 200,000 250,000 400,000
11 Embryo research using NGS or SNP method (1 embryo), including embryo trophectoderm biopsy 250,000 250,000 500,000
12 Cryopreservation (Freezing) of sperm (including 2 months of storage) 60,000 65,000 100,000
13 Percutaneous testicular biopsy using TESA method 130,000 156,000 240,000
14 Testicular biopsy using micro-TESE method 400,000 400,000 500,000
15 Donor sperm 110,000 130,000 200,000
16 Donor oocytes (1 oocyte) 110,000 130,000 200,000
17 Thawing oocytes 150,000 170,000 200,000
18 Thawing embryos 150,000 170,000 260,000
19 Assisted hatching 60,000 65,000 100,000
20 Embryo transfer with laser hatching in a cryoprotocol, without the cost of drugs for endometrial preparation 235,000 270,000 470,000
21 Intrauterine insemination, including ultrasound monitoring, without the cost of drugs 80,000 100,000 140,000
22 Piezo ICSI 50,000 65,000 100,000
23 IMSI 70,000 80,000 120,000
24 PIXIE 60,000 65,000 100,000
25 MACS 210,000 260,000 350,000
26 ZYMOT (Kinetic Sperm Selection) 80,000 91,000 140,000
27 Eco with ADO (6 oocytes) 1,300,000 1,560,000 2,400,000
28 Oocyte cultivation 100,000 130,000 200,000
29 Cultivation and time-lapse embryoscopy in EMBRYOSCOPE PLUS using artificial intelligence 150,000 200,000 300,000
30 Diagnostic hysteroscopy 100,000 100,000 100,000
31 Transportation of biomaterial throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan 70,000 70,000 70,000
32 Transportation of biomaterial throughout the city of Almaty (from the NGC clinic to another clinic) 20,000 20,000 20,000
33 Extended spermogram (ESS) 45,000 60,000 90,000
34 Microfreezing of sperm (including 2 months of storage) 72,000 100,000 145,000
No. Specialist appointments Price
1 Reception of the Scientific Director Baikoshkarova S.B. 50,000
2 Reception of the Scientific Director Baikoshkarova S.B. (online) 25,000
3 Initial appointment with a reproductologist + ultrasound by Kilibaeva G.A.
(+re-appointment within 10 days)
4 Repeated appointment with a reproductologist + ultrasound of Kilibaeva G.A. 15,000
5 Initial appointment with a fertility specialist + ultrasound
(+re-appointment within 10 days)
6 Initial appointment with oncologist-gynecologist V.B. Nosov. 50,000
7 Repeated appointment with a fertility specialist + ultrasound 12,000
8 Repeated appointment with a fertility specialist (without ultrasound) 10,000
9 Repeated appointment with a fertility specialist (without ultrasound) 7,000
10 Appointment with a fertility specialist (online) 10,000
11 Obstetrician-gynecologist appointment + ultrasound 10,000
12 Repeated appointment with the gynecologist 7,000
13 Initial appointment with a surgeon 10,000
14 Repeated appointment with the surgeon 7,000
15 Primary appointment with a urologist-andrologist 10,000
16 Repeated appointment with urologist-andrologist 7,000
17 Initial appointment with an endocrinologist 15,000
18 Repeated appointment with the endocrinologist 10,000
19 Appointment with a therapist 10,000
20 Repeated appointment with the therapist 7,000
21 Consultative appointment with doctors (10-15 m) 7,000
22 Consultation with a gynecologist + ultrasound 15,000
23 Initial appointment with a mammologist 15,000
24 Repeated appointment with mammologist 10,000
No. Pregnancy management Price
1 Pregnancy management (1 fetus) 380,000
2 Pregnancy management for patients undergoing IVF at the NGC clinic (1 fetus) 350,000
3 Pregnancy management (more than 1 fetus) 400,000
4 Pregnancy management for patients undergoing IVF procedure at NGC (more than 1 fetus) 370,000
No. Ultrasound Price
1 Ultrasound of the abdomen and kidneys 15,000
2 Ultrasound Folliculometry 7,000
3 Ultrasound of the pelvic organs 7,000
4 Ultrasound of the scrotum and prostate 10,000
5 ECG 5,000
6 Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder 10,000
7 Ultrasound of the obstructive system (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen) 12,000
10 Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for the presence of fluid 10,000
11 Ultrasound of kidneys, adrenal glands 10,000
12 Ultrasound complex urology (kidneys + bladder with determination of residual urine) 12,000
13 Ultrasound of the prostate gland (transabdominal) 10,000
14 Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (TA and TV) 10,000
15 Cervicometry 8,000
16 Cervicometry+elasto 10,000
17 Ultrasound of the pubic symphysis 8,000
18 Ultrasound of early pregnant women 10,000
19 Ultrasound of pregnant women at all stages (singleton) 15,000
20 Ultrasound of pregnant women at all stages (multiple births) 20,000
21 Ultrasound screening of the fetus in singleton pregnancy 15,000
22 Ultrasound screening of the fetus during multiple pregnancy 20,000
23 Ultrasound of pregnant women 3D 15,000
24 Dopplerography 15,000
25 Dopplerography of the fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) 10,000
26 Ultrasound of the scar after cesarean section 10,000
27 Ultrasound OMT of the postpartum period (up to 40 days) 10,000
28 Ultrasound of the breast with regional lymph nodes (implants, post-operative conditions) 10,000
29 Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with regional lymph nodes 10,000
30 Ultrasound of the salivary and parotid glands with regional lymph nodes 10,000
31 Ultrasound of peripheral lymph nodes - one zone (parotid, cervical, submandibular above and submandibular, axillary, inguinal) 10,000
32 Ultrasound of soft tissues 10,000
33 Ultrasound of the pleural cavity for the presence of fluid 8,000
34 Ultrasound monitoring 5,000
No. Additional services Price
1 Bladder instillation 3,000
2 Intramuscular injection 1 000
3 Intravenous injection + system 2 500
No. Surgical operations (excluding anesthesia costs) Price
1 Laparoscopy, salpingolysis, salpingo-ovariolysis, adhesiolysis and tubal patency testing (CTP) 340,000
2 Laparoscopy, salpingolysis, tubectomy 340,000
3 Laparoscopy, cystectomy, cystectomy (removal of ovarian cysts, endometriotic lesions, ovarian resection) 340,000
4 Laparoscopy, conservative myomectomy (with possible transition to laparotomy) 450,000
5 Laparoscopy, supravaginal amputation of the uterus 450,000
6 Laparoscopy, hysterectomy 510,000
7 Laparotomy, conservative myomectomy 400,000
8 Laparoscopy, metroplasty (in case of failure of the uterine scar after cesarean section) 450,000
9 Laparotomy, supravaginal amputation of the uterus 400,000
10 Laparotomy, hysterectomy 450,000
11 Laparotomy, metroplasty (in case of failure of the uterine scar after cesarean section) 400,000
12 Diagnostic hysteroscopy (with joint laparoscopy) 60,000
13 Tracheloplasty 160,000
14 Removal of benign tumors of the cervix (fibroids, endometriosis) more than 3.0 cm 190,000
15 Removal of benign cervical tumors (fibroids, endometriosis) up to 3.0 cm 170,000
16 Opening a Bartholin gland abscess 80,000
17 Excision and enucleation of Bartholin gland cyst 200,000
18 Vaginal cyst removal
170,000 - 200,000
19 Transvaginal hysterectomy 450,000
20 Hymenoplasty 100,000
21 Bilateral labiaplasty (Plasty of the labia minora) 230,000
22 Anterior, posterior colporrhaphy, perineolevatoplasty (vaginoplasty) 340,000
23 Removal of papillomas, kondylomas in the area of ​​the lower back and perineum 1 10,000
24 Excision of endometrioid lesions (usually in postoperative sutures) 275,000
25 Diagnostic hysteroscopy 60,000
26 Hysteroresectoscopy, synechiolysis 110,000
27 Hysteroresection of cervical polyp 150,000
28 Hysteroresectoscopy of a submucosal myomatous node or endometrial polyp (from 1.0 to 3.0 cm) 170,000
29 Hysteroresectoscopy. Resection of the submucosal node (from 3.0 cm). 250,000
30 Diagnostic curettage (aspiration) of the uterine cavity during non-developing pregnancy under hysteroscopy control 180,000
31 Conization of the cervix 100,000
32 Termination of non-developing pregnancy under hysteroscopy control with molecular cytogenetic study of abortion material 250,000
No. Gynecological manipulations #VALUE!
1 Insertion of an intrauterine device, without the cost of the device 10,000
2 Removing the intrauterine device 10,000
3 Installation of a pessary, without the cost of the pessary 10,000
4 Pessary removal 10,000
5 Videocolposcopy 10,000
6 Ovarian cyst puncture 60,000
7 Pipelle biopsy with histology 30,000
No. Andrological and urological operations (without the cost of anesthesia) Price
1 Percutaneous testicular biopsy using TESA method 120,000
2 Testicular biopsy using micro-TESE method 400,000
3 Microsurgical removal of varicocele according to Marmar (unilateral) 135,000
4 Microsurgical removal of varicocele according to Marmar (bilateral) 250,000
5 Circumcision for adults 60,000
6 Excision of epididymal cysts 75,000
7 Microsurgical operations on the vas deferens: vasoepididymostomy (bilateral) 225,000
8 Hydrocele removal (unilateral) 170,000
9 Hydrocele removal (bilateral) 210,000
No. Mammological surgeries (without anesthesia costs) Price
1 Sectoral resection of the breast (unilateral) 140,000
2 Sectoral resection of the breast (bilateral) 300,000
No. Mammological procedures and manipulations Price
1 Trephine biopsy of the breast 35,000
2 Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the breast 15,000
3 Nipple smear examination 10,000
No. Anesthesia Price
1 Total intravenous anesthesia with muscle relaxation and mechanical ventilation (up to 1 hour) 100,000
2 Total intravenous anesthesia with muscle relaxation and mechanical ventilation (up to 3 hours) 120,000
3 Total intravenous anesthesia with muscle relaxation and mechanical ventilation (more than 3 hours) 150,000
4 Intravenous anesthesia under conditions of spontaneous breathing (up to 1 hour) 60,000
5 Intravenous anesthesia with consultation with an anesthesiologist 50,000
6 Spinal anesthesia+doctor consultation 80,000
7 Epidural anesthesia + consultation with a doctor 80,000
8 Intravenous anesthesia + spinal anesthesia (SMA) 100,000
9 Intravenous anesthesia + epidural anesthesia 100,000
10 Intravenous anesthesia with consultation with an anesthesiologist 40,000
No. Additional services Price
1 Ward (bed per day) 40,000
2 Histological examination for each specimen 15,000
Opening hours: from 8:00 to 11:00, Saturday from 8:00 to 11:00
Spermogram with morphology, MAR TEST 15 000
MAR TEST 6 000
Spermogram 5 000
Study of sperm morphology 9 000
DNA Fragmentation Research 55 000
Blood type, Rh factor 2000
APTT (Activated partial thromboplastin time) 1800
Thrombin time 1800
Fibrinogen 1800
INR(international normalized ratio) 1800
PTI (Prothrombin index) 1800
D-dimer 6000
Vitamin D 6300
Vitamin B12 3800
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 3700
Cortisol 3000
Testosterone 3000
Prolactin 3000
Progesterone 3000
LH 3000
FSH 3000
Insulin 3800
SSH(SHBG) sex hormone binding lobulin 5200
Inhibin B 13000
Estradiol 3000
hCG 3000
T3-free 3000
T4-free 2800
TSH 2800
AT-TG 3200
Anti-TPO 3000
AMH(Anti-Mullerian hormone) 7800
SA-125 3800
SA 15-3 3800
HE-4 1800
AFP - alphafetoprotein (liver, ovaries) 3200
ROMA Index 7000
Lupus anticoagulant 4000
Karyotype/blood sampling every Monday-Thursday 16000
Extended thrombophilia panel/blood sampling every Monday-Thursday 70000
Blood test for HIV 2000
Human papillomavirus of high carcinogenic risk (genotyping 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68), quantitative DNA determination indicating the type of virus 7500
Detection of human papillomavirus in biological material by PCR (type 16/18) qualitative 3000
Detection of human papillomavirus in biological material by PCR (type 16/18) quantitative 4000
Bacterial culture for microflora with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics 6500
Urine culture tank 4000
Smear for oncocytology 3000
PAP test 5800
Prostate secretion 1800
Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) 3200
Wasserman reaction 3200
Hepatitis B virus 3500
Hepatitis C virus 3500
Clinical blood test with leukocyte formula and measurement of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (CBC+ESR) 2300
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 1800
Uric acid 1800
Triglycerides 1800
Sodium (Na) 1800
Potassium (K) 1800
Alpha amylase pancreatic 1800
Alpha amylase total 1800
Glycosylated hemoglobin 3000
Blood clotting time 1300
Total protein 1500
Urea 1500
Creatinine 1500
Total bilirubin 1500
Direct bilirubin 1500
Bilirubin indirect 1500
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 1500
Gammaglutamyltransferase (GGTP) 1800
ALT 1500
AST 1500
Glucose (blood sugar) 1500
Ferritin 2500
Iron 1500
Homocysteine 6300
Total cholesterol 1500
Cholesterol-HDL 1500
LDL cholesterol 1500
C-reactive protein (CRP) 2000
Rheumatoid factor (RF) 2500
Total calcium 1800
Antistreptolysin O (ASLO) 2500
Determination of protein in urine 1500
Urinalysis according to Nepochirenko 1800
General urine test 1800
Microscopic examination of urine 1800
lg M (immunoglobulin M) 3000
Conducting prenatal screening in blood serum in the 1st trimester of pregnancy 13000
Ascariasis (lg G) 2300
Giardiasis (lg A) 2300
Giardiasis (lg M) 2300
Opisthorchiasis (lg M) 2300
Trichenellosis (lg M) 2300
Brucellosis (lg M) 2300
Measles (lg M) 3800
Mumps (lg M) 3500
Chlamydia (Ig G) 2500
Chlamydia (Ig M) 2500
Herpes virus (IgG) 2800
Herpes virus (IgM) 2800
Cytomegalovirus (Ig G) 2300
Cytomegalovirus (Ig M) 2300
Ureaplasmosis (Ig G) 2300
Ureaplasmosis (Ig M) 2300
Mycoplasmosis (Ig G) 2300
Mycoplasmosis (Ig M) 2300
Trichomoniasis (Ig G) 2300
Trichomoniasis (Ig M) 2300
Toxoplasmosis (Ig G) 2300
Toxoplasmosis (Ig M) 2300
Rubella (Ig G) 2300
Rubella (Ig M) 2300
Chlamydia 3000
Cytomegalovirus 3000
Ureaplasmosis 3000
Mycoplasmosis 3000
Herpes 1, 2 types 3000
Trichomoniasis 3000
Toxoplasmosis 3500
Rubella (blood) 3500
Gonorrhea 3300
Gardnerellosis 3000
Candidiasis 3000
Detection of the Epstein-Barr virus (HSV-IV) in biological material using the PCR method. 5000
Hepatitis B virus (quality, 100 IU/ml) 3800
Hepatitis B virus (quantitative, 150 IU/ml) 8300
Hepatitis C virus (qualitative, 100 IU/ml) 4300
Hepatitis C virus (quantitative, 300 IU/ml) 9000
Blood collection 1000
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