What is IVF?

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization (from Latin extra — outside, beyond and Latin corpus — body, i.e. fertilization outside the body, abbreviated IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology used to treat infertility. Synonyms: "test tube fertilization", "in vitro fertilization", "artificial insemination", in English it is designated by the abbreviation IVF (in vitro fertilization). During IVF, the egg is removed from the woman's body and artificially fertilized in vitro, the resulting embryo is kept in an incubator, where it develops for 2-5 days, after which the embryo is transferred to the uterine cavity for further development. To grow the egg in the ovaries, the reproductive doctor uses hormonal stimulants.

Advantages of IVF at the NGC clinic:

– the protocol is selected individually for each couple, which allows achieving the maximum chance of pregnancy;
– actively using “soft” stimulation schemes that are well tolerated and safe for the patient’s health;
– full compliance of the embryology laboratory with strict American quality standards;
– constant support from the reproductive doctor who performs artificial insemination. You can always come to an appointment or call him by phone;

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