Spermogram: everything you need to know
In recent years, the problem of male infertility has become increasingly important, affecting many families around the world. Modern medicine offers various diagnostic and treatment methods aimed at overcoming this problem. One of the key and most informative diagnostic methods is a spermogram. In the reproduction center "New Generation Clinic" in Almaty, a comprehensive spermogram analysis is carried out using advanced technologies and equipment, which allows you to accurately determine the state of a man's reproductive health.
A spermogram is a comprehensive study of ejaculate, which is carried out to assess the state of male fertility. This is an important diagnostic test that helps to identify the causes of male infertility.
recommendations for obtaining reliable results
1. Abstinence: It is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse and masturbation for 3-5 days before taking the test. This allows you to get the optimal quantity and quality of sperm.
2. Avoid alcohol and drugs: A week before the test, avoid drinking alcohol and drugs, as they can affect the quality of sperm.
3. Avoid hot baths and saunas: High temperatures can negatively affect sperm production. Avoid visiting saunas and hot baths a few days before the test.
4. Limit physical activity: Try not to overexert yourself physically the day before the test.
5. Follow a healthy diet: A few days before the test, you should follow a healthy diet, avoiding fatty and heavy foods.
6. Consult a doctor: If you are taking any medications, be sure to discuss this with your doctor, as some drugs can affect the test results.
7. Maintain hygiene: Before the test, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the genitals to avoid contamination of the sample.
The main aspects that are analyzed:
Ejaculate volume: The norm is 1.5-5 ml. A smaller volume may indicate incomplete collection or problems with the prostate gland.
Sperm pH: Normally, the pH should be between 7.2 and 8.0, which indicates the necessary balance for sperm viability.
Sperm concentration: The number of sperm per milliliter of ejaculate is measured. The norm is considered to be 15-200 million sperm per milliliter.
Sperm motility: This indicator determines the percentage of motile sperm. Motility is divided into progressive and non-progressive.
Sperm morphology: The shape and structure of the sperm is assessed. The norm is more than 4% of sperm of normal shape.
Viability: The percentage of live sperm in the ejaculate. The norm is considered to be more than 58% of live sperm. Viscosity and liquefaction: The time it takes for the ejaculate to become liquid, usually up to 60 minutes.
What diseases does it detect
1. Oligospermia: Low sperm concentration (less than 15 million per milliliter).
2. Asthenozoospermia: Low sperm motility (less than 40% motile sperm).
3. Teratozoospermia: High percentage of sperm with abnormal morphology (less than 4% normal).
4. Azoospermia: Complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate.
5. Low ejaculate volume: Semen volume less than 1.5 milliliters.
6. High ejaculate volume: The volume of semen is more than 5 milliliters.
7. Leukocytospermia: High white blood cell count in the semen (more than 1 million per milliliter).
8. Sperm agglutination: Sperm stick together.
9. Hematospermia: Presence of blood in the semen.
How to interpret the results:
1. Comprehensive analysis: The doctor will analyze all the parameters of the spermogram as a whole to get a complete picture of the patient's reproductive health.
2. Additional tests: Depending on the abnormalities found, additional tests may be prescribed, such as hormonal tests, genetic testing, ultrasound of the scrotum and prostate gland.
3. Consultations with specialists: You may need to consult a urologist, endocrinologist or geneticist to clarify the diagnosis and develop a treatment plan
New Generation Clinic is a reproductive center specializing in infertility treatment. Highly qualified specialists of the clinic will conduct a thorough examination of your health condition, using advanced technologies, and ensure the best treatment.