Specialists of the NGC center
Kilibayeva Galiya Abenovna

General information



Reproductive doctor Obstetrician-gynecologist

Education and professional skills

Alma-Ata State Medical Institute PhD #638356
General Medicine, Almaty, 1988-1994. Certificate of advanced training #403
Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cycle: Ultrasound diagnostics in gynecological practice, 11/14/2020, 108 hours.
Certificate of advanced training #886
Specialty: Best diagnostics (ultrasound diagnostics)
Cycle: Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology, 05/26/2018, 108 hours. Certificate of advanced training  No. 375
By specialty: Obstetrics and gynecology
By cycle: Endo-video surgery in gynecology, 10/31/2020, 216 hours.
Certificate of advanced training  No. 021-1403
By specialty: Obstetrics and gynecology.
By cycle: Current issues in reproductive medicine, 12/21/2021, 120 hours. Specialist certificate No. 103-ө
By specialty: Obstetrics and gynecology (pediatric gynecology, ultrasound diagnostics in the profile of the main specialty, endoscopy in the profile of the main specialty)
No. KZ29VBM01317455 from 12/31/2020 to 12/31/2025

Specialist certificate No. 110
By specialty: Obstetrics and gynecology (pediatric gynecology)
No. KZ35VBM00859992 from 02/04/2019 to 02/04/2024
Specialist certificate with assignment of the Highest qualification category No. 568
By specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology (Pediatric Gynecology)
No. KZ 08VBM01099195
from 06/16/2020 to 06/15/2025.

Duisenbayeva Aygerim Zharylgapovna

General information




Education and professional skills

KAZNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, JB No. 0011380
General Medicine, Almaty, 2006-2012
KAZNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarova, IK No. 0025460
General Medicine, Almaty, 06/28/2013. Certificate of advanced training No. 1774
By specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology (pediatric gynecology, functional diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics in the profile of the main specialty, endoscopy in the profile of the main specialty)
By cycle: Modern ultrasound methods in obstetrics and gynecology, 01/31/2020, 216 hours. Certificate of advanced training No. 191101979
By specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology (pediatric gynecology, functional diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics in the profile of the main specialty, endoscopy in the profile of the main specialty)
By cycle: Operative hysteroscopy in the treatment of women's diseases, 09/27/2019, 108 hours. Specialist certificate No. 43
In the specialty: Obstetrics and gynecology (pediatric gynecology)
No. KZ78VBM01034206 from 01/24/2020 to 01/24/2025.

Kokumbekova Zhanar Baidzhumaevna

General information

Reproductive doctor Obstetrician-gynecologist Surgeon


Reproductive doctor Obstetrician-gynecologist Surgeon

Education and professional skills

In 2012, she graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, specializing in obstetrician-gynecologist. Gynecological endocrinology - KazMUNO.
Fetal CTG
Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology.
Effective perinatal care.
Endovideosurgery in gynecology.
2017. Received postgraduate education in the residency of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, specializing in obstetrics-gynecology, including pediatrics.
Completed international internships: 2020 Istanbul, Turkey Ozel Birlik hastanesi. 2021 Yeditepe üniversitesi hastanesi.

Dibrova Alla Yuryevna

General information

Obstetrician-gynecologist, Ultrasound doctor


Obstetrician-gynecologist for pregnancy management

Education and professional skills

Kazakh-Russian Medical University  ЖБ №0003269
Doctor, General Medicine
2005-2010. Certificate of retraining № 23
By specialty:
Radiation diagnostics 02/04/2016

864 hours.
Certificate of advanced training №56
By specialty: Obstetrics and gynecology
By cycle:
Colposcopic diagnostic methods, early cervical cancer
54 hours. Certificate of advanced training  №041
By specialty:
Obstetrics and gynecology.
By cycle:
Actual problems of occupational pathology.
54 hours. Specialist certificate No. 605-ө
By specialty:
Obstetrics-gynecology (pediatric gynecology, ultrasound diagnostics in the profile of the main specialty, endoscopy in the profile of the main specialty)
No. KZ49VBM02017920
from 05.05.2023
to 05.05.2028

Abdukhatov Bakhtiyar Alymzhanovich

General information




Education and professional skills

Almaty State Medical Institute, ZhB-II No. 0148541
General Medicine, Almaty, 1991-1997 Certificate of advanced training No. 2572 Specialist certificate No. 1023-ө
In the specialty: Therapy
No. KZ85VBM02100886 from 07/26/2023 to 07/26/2028

Specialist certificate No. 69-ө
In the specialty: Anesthesiology and resuscitation (perfusion, toxicology) (adult)
No. KZ59VBM01962838 from 01/23/2023 to 01/23/2028 Specialist certificate with assignment of the Highest qualification category No. 568-ө
In the specialty: Anesthesiology and resuscitation (toxicology) (adult)
No. KZ22VBM00807070 dated 09/12/2018 until 12.09.2023

Kurmangaliev Daniyar Khabibullovich

General information



Obstetrician-gynecologist, surgeon

Education and professional skills

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlov Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation", VSG No. 5154567
General Medicine, St. Petersburg, 1982-1990. Specialist Certificate with assignment of the Highest Qualification Category No. 262
In the specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology
No. KZ67VBM00643106 from 06/05/2017 to 06/05/2022.

Yusup Mirislam Aitoreuly

General information




Education and professional skills

JSC "Astana Medical Institute", ZhB-B No. 1282327
General Medicine, Astana, 2013-2018
JSC "Astana Medical University", ZhB No. 0077038
General Medicine, Astana, 2018-2020
JSC "Astana Medical University", IK No. 0055729
General Medicine, Astana, 2018-2020
JSC "National Scientific Center of Oncology and Transplantology", RK No. 0012041
Urology and Andrology for Adults, Children, Almaty, 2021-2023. Specialist Certificate №335
By specialty: General surgery (thoracic surgery, abdominal surgery, transplantology, proctology,) (for outpatient clinics and organizations located in rural areas, including district centers, as well as urban-type settlements)

№KZ07VBM01144609 from 07/28/2020 to 07/28/2025

Specialist certificate №1756
By specialty: Urology and andrology ultrasound diagnostics according to the profile of the main specialty (adult, pediatric)

№KZ57VBM02217790 from 12/12/2023 to 12/12/2028."

Abilazim Jadyra Sultankhanovna

General information




Education and professional skills

JSC "Astana Medical University", No. 1039648
General Medicine, Astana, 2010-2016
JSC "Astana Medical University", IK No. 0047702
General Medicine, Astana, 2016-2018 Specialist Certificate No. 787-ө
In the specialty: Endocrinology (adult, pediatric)
No. KZ57VBM012129089 from 09/04/2020 to 09/03/2025

Nurmanov Maksat Meyrambekuly

General information



Заведующий ЭКО-лаборатории

Education and professional skills

ATU ZhB No. 0086161
Biotechnology, Almaty, 2015
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, ZhOK-M No. 0148540
Biotechnology, Almaty, 2018 Certificate of advanced training No. 1135
Specialty: Biotechnology
Cycle: Human embryology and assisted reproductive technologies, 07/25/2020, 108 hours
Certificate of advanced training No. 367
Specialty: Biotechnology
Cycle: Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 10/29/2021, 864 hours
Certificate of advanced training No. 4372
By specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology
By cycle: Fundamentals of Reproductology and Embryology" 12/18/2021 240 h

Ustenov Galymzhan Yesimuly

General information

Technical manager of IVF laboratory

Begaydarova Aidana Begaydarkyzy

General information

Head of IVF laboratory

Tarakova Bibinur

General information

Ultrasound doctor


Ultrasound doctor

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