Obstetrics and gynecology

Obstetrics and gynecology

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Even if you are sure that everything is in order with your body, because there are no alarming symptoms, serious negative changes can occur in it. At the NGC clinic, you can have a complete gynecological examination. We use modern devices for diagnostics and our own laboratory.


Doctors are highly qualified and have over 20 years of experience. Thanks to an integrated approach, it is possible to achieve an accurate definition of violations and prescribe timely treatment, which will completely get rid of diseases.


What is included in a comprehensive examination for women?

An appointment with a gynecologist can be either simple and quick, or quite long, depending on whether any pathologies have been identified. The examination usually includes:


·       initial consultation with a doctor with the collection of anamnesis and complaints of the patient;

·       additional instrumental studies;

·       the delivery of tests;

·       Summarizing the results, developing a program of preventive measures or prescribing treatment.

When collecting an anamnesis, the gynecologist asks the patient questions about the nature of menstruation, the presence of pregnancy and childbirth, miscarriages and missed pregnancies. It also takes into account the woman's complaints about specific symptoms.


After the conversation, the doctor examines the patient in the gynecological chair, takes a smear. Analyzes will determine the presence of pathological changes in the pelvic organs. Often, a transvaginal ultrasound is prescribed for the period of waiting for the results of the study. Ultrasound examination allows you to determine the position and size of the uterus and ovaries, the presence of neoplasms and damage. If symptoms of hormonal disorders are present, the gynecologist prescribes tests to determine the level of hormones. If there are suspicions of tissue changes in the cervical region, a referral for colposcopy may be issued.


Indications for a gynecological examination

Many diseases in the female part proceed without symptoms for a long time. These include:


·       infections,

·       cervical dysplasia,

·       myoma,

·       erosion,

·       ectopia,

·       STD

·       and other diseases.

Most often, they can be detected precisely in the process of regular medical examination by a doctor. Therefore, it is so important to visit a specialist on time.


There are several symptoms in which you should urgently sign up for an examination and gynecological examination:


·       violations of the menstrual cycle;

·       pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;

·       itching;

·       uncharacteristic discharge;

·       Pain during and after intercourse.

It is also very important to visit a doctor in preparation for pregnancy. It is necessary to make sure that no pathological changes occur in the body that can affect the health of the baby. A conscious attitude to pregnancy planning helps to minimize the risks of complications and miscarriages.


If infertility is suspected, NGC specialists expand the list of required studies and analyzes. They may include:


·       ultrasound;

·       hormonal examination;

·       PCR-study for latent infections;

·       Determination of patency of the fallopian tubes.

The attending physician will tell you in more detail about the necessary procedures and each diagnostic method.


Ultrasound during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period in which it is necessary to take special care of your own well-being and the health of the unborn child. In particular, it is important to pass examinations on time.


Every woman should have an ultrasound during pregnancy to identify risks and prevent the development of pathologies. This is a universal examination method, since it can be used to study the state of various organs and systems, while its use is safe and has no contraindications.


It is also possible an unscheduled appointment of ultrasound during pregnancy, if there are indications for this:


·       Pain in the lower abdomen

·       history of cysts and fibroids;

·       Discharge from the genital tract infectious diseases;

·       risk of miscarriage (there were before).

·       ultrasound in trimesters

Planned ultrasound during pregnancy is performed at least three times: once in each trimester. The examination has no contraindications, but it is not worth increasing the number of diagnostic procedures without special indications


1 trimester

In the first trimester, the examination is performed transabdominally (the sensor is located on the skin of the abdomen) and transvaginally (the sensor is inserted into the vagina). The combined method is used only up to 13 weeks, then only the transabdominal method is used. Preliminary preparation for the study is necessary: three days before it, food that can cause gas formation and flatulence (bread, legumes and dairy products) should be excluded.

During an ultrasound during pregnancy, the doctor determines the following indicators and characteristics:

·       Confirmed uterine pregnancy and the presence of a fetal egg, its growth;

·       Establishing the number of embryos (for multiple pregnancies);

·       an assessment of the development of the fetus, its internal and external structure;

·       the general structure of the embryo is studied for the presence of congenital pathologies;

·       determines the heart rate, the size of the embryo;

·       the exact gestational age is calculated;

·       the approximate date of birth is calculated;

·       The condition of the uterus and appendages is assessed;

·       The width of the cervical-collar zone is determined (to assess the risks of the formation of Down syndrome).

According to the peculiarities of the structure and location of the chorion, one can suspect the threat of termination of pregnancy and take the necessary measures to preserve it.


2 trimester


In the second trimester of pregnancy, at the request of the parents, the doctor names the sex of the unborn child. During this period, the internal organs of the child are actively developing - this requires control by a specialist.


In addition, a timely procedure allows you to determine:


·       The size of the fetus and their compliance with the gestational age;

·       Features of the structure of the umbilical vessels;

·       The functioning of the placenta and its characteristics;

·       the amount of amniotic fluid;

·       The structure of the cervix, its length.

The doctor evaluates the size of the child and the structure of his internal organs, blood circulation between the fetus and the placenta, finds out if he has enough oxygen and nutrients.


Ultrasound screening in the second trimester of pregnancy is performed transabdominally (through the abdomen), as the fetus can be easily viewed through the abdominal wall. The transvaginal sensor is used in cases where there is a suspicion of cervical pathology.


3rd trimester


In the last period of pregnancy, the baby's body is actively preparing for the birth and independent life.


Ultrasound screening in the third trimester is designed to determine the following indicators:


·       The size of the child biparietal size of the baby's head, abdominal circumference;

·       The length of the femoral bones (their shortening is observed in genetic diseases);

·       Estimated weight at the time of birth;

·       The presence of defects in fetal development (the most dangerous anomalies in the structure of the heart);

·       The position of the fetus in the uterus (head or pelvic);

·       The location of the placenta;

·       The degree of maturity of the placenta (assessment of placental blood flow);

·       Presence of entanglement of the umbilical cord.

At the terms of 32–33 weeks and 37–38 weeks, the doctor prescribes the CTG procedure (cardiotocography). Using this method, the heart rate of the fetus, its activity and the number of movements in a period of time are assessed. The results of examinations help to determine the tactics of childbirth, to choose a safe method of delivery.

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